International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2023
Magnetic Field Effect on the Nonlinear Propagation of Hollow Gaussian Laser Beam Inside Relativistic Plasma
Author(s): Abdulkareem Ali Nasser, Munther B Hassan
In this manuscript the electrons in the collision less plasma will earn a high relativistic motion caused by the high intensity Hollow Gaussian laser beam (HGLB) thus the dielectric constant of plasma will be modified and the plasma will manifest a nonlinear a self-focusing phenomenon.
The final differential equation of (HGLB) self-focusing has been derived then it is solved numerically by designing an appropriate Matlab program.
This technique has prove that, in presence of an external longitudinal magnetic field, the self-focusing of (HGLB) will enhance thus the initial laser intensity will raise to ten times or more.
Keywords: Relativistic Nonlinearity, Hollow Gaussian Laser Beam (HGLB), Self-Focusing Phenomenon, Longitudinal External Magnetic Field
Pages: 76-83
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