E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Upcoming Confernces

Brawijaya International Conference on Economics, Business & Finance (BICEBF) 2023 

at selcuk university, konya

SSBRN, in collaboration with Selcuk University (Konya, Turkey), presents the Brawijaya International Conference on Economics, Business & Finance (BICEBF) 2023. This event is also hosted by the Faculty of Economics & Business, Universitas Brawijaya (Indonesia). The co-hosts are Maria Currie Sklodowska University, Poland; Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia; Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania and Institute of National Economy-Romanian Academy, Romania.

We are still inviting institutions to become our co-hosts and attend SSBRN DEAN FORUM 2023.

Contact [email protected] for more information.



Click “APPLY NOW” to submit your paper. The symposium will be conducted in person (on-site presentation).



Topics covered include, but not limited to:

Issues in the stock market

Management and organization

Business and human decision

Behavioral aspects in business

Technological issues in business and organization

Accounting, auditing, finance, and money laundering

Education and ethics

Corporate governance and internal control

Corporate culture and strategy

Psychological aspects of the organization

Performance measurement

Sales & Marketing

The political aspect of business and organization.

Public sector accounting

Public finance

Economics and business


The papers to be presented in the conference are subject to peer review.



The opening session will be conducted at Selcuk University (Sultan Alparslan Cultural Center - Alaaddin Keykubat Campus Seljuk Konya).

The presentation Sessions will be held at Selcuk University (Vocational School of Social Sciences, floor 1, rooms 101, 102 and 103)



FREE conference tour is provided for registered participants. It will be started at 09.00 am on the second day (October 20, 2023). The tour is guided by Selcuk University. 

The registration fee:

Euro 400 (SSBRN premium members receive 20% discount; the committee will consider proposal for discount or scholarship to attend the conference).


The registration fee includes:

It includes printed copy of the conference program, certificate, lunch, coffee breaks, and a conference tour. Registration fee does not include accommodation and transportation, and publication fee, if any.