E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024

Position of Physical Land Tenure Certificate (Sporadic) Above Cultivation Rights

Author(s): Mazwar, Suhaimi, Intan Munirah, Mahfud


This research aims to assess the position of Cultivation Rights above Cultivation Rights (HGU), where it will be known whether it is possible to have Cultivation Rights in other parties' HGU areas. This is important to know, because many HGU lands are controlled by other parties for various reasons (one reason is that the land is the right to cultivate the local community). To strengthen this reason, a physical possession letter was shown which was signed by the local Village Head (Keuchik), which contained information that the land came from cultivated land (Hak Garap). In this discussion, one case of usurpation or control of HGU land by another party is used, namely HGU No. 1 of 1995 in the name of PT. Ambya Putra. One of the irregularities that occurred in this case was the appearance of a letter of physical control (Sporadik) over a plot of land he obtained from cultivated land (Hak Garap) on July 8 2020 and signed by the Village Head (Keuchik). Even though on the land there is already HGU No. 1 of 1995 which lasts until 8 November 2025.

Keywords: Physical Control of Land, Cultivation Rights, Sporadic

Pages: 1670-1674

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