International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024
Indian Manufacturing Sector: Miles Travelled, Miles yet to go
Author(s): Dr. Shashi Lata Singh, Anushree
Since India’s independence in 1947, Indian Economy has undergone major changes, especially the manufacturing sector. This paper tries to analyse the performance of Indian Manufacturing sector. It takes into account various phases of stagnation and growth experienced by this sector since 1950. From adoption of mixed economy to Economic reforms to Post-pandemic India, this paper tries to incorporates all the major events that shaped the Indian manufacturing sector and have placed India on the 5th pedestal in global manufacturing market today. It also brings out the comparison between India and China on the grounds of IIP, manufacturing sector as share in employment and GDP. The review concludes with an overall performance of industrial sector with some suggestions for establishing India as a manufacturing hub.
Keywords: Manufacturing Sector, Industrialisation, New Economic Reforms, India-China, Post-Pandemic, GDP
Pages: 1611-1618
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