International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024
Immediate Effect of Muscle Energy Technique and Trigger Point Release with Phonophoresis on Myofascial Trigger Point of Upper Trapezius
Author(s): Kajal Attri, Vaishali Chaudhary
Background: Myofascial trigger point is a small hypersensitive area in skeletal muscles that becomes painful under compression or stimulation. Myofascial Trigger Points are relevant for various musculoskeletal disorders. Although several treatments have been introduced to treat them, the most efficient one is yet to be found.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the immediate effect of muscle energy technique (MET) and trigger point pressure release with phonophoresis on myofascial trigger point (MTrPs) of the upper trapezius muscle.
Methods: Fourty female volunteers participated in this study. Subjects were divided randomly into 2 groups: MET and trigger point pressure release with phonophoresis groups. Outcomes measures were pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) and pain intensity (visual analogue scale, VAS).
Results: The results revealed an immediate decrease in pain sensitivity in the upper trapezius muscle and visual analogue scale scoring following intervention of trigger point pressure release with phonophoresis.
Conclusion: This study concluded that trigger point release therapy with phonophoresis induced changes in pressure pain sensitivity in myofascial trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle.
Keywords: Phonophoresis, Trigger Point Pressure Release, Myofascial Trigger Points, Muscle Energy Technique, Upper Trapezius
Pages: 1459-1463
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