International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024
Implementation of Sumber Agung Spring Management Policy as a Protected Area and Tourism Area: Study on Sumber Agung Spring Tourism, Margoyoso Village, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province
Author(s): Fadel Aliemsyah Darmawan, Ani Agus Puspawati, Susana Indriyati C
This research aims to describe and analyze the Sumber Agung spring management policy implementation in Desa Margoyoso, Tanggamus Regency, and identify the obstacles faced in this process. Villages have an essential role in the economy and national development, and village tourism that utilizes natural beauty and local culture is the primary strategy for improving the welfare of village communities. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with Edwards III (1980) [3] policy implementation theory as the analytical framework. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and document collection, then analyzed through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.
The research results based on Edwards III (1980) [3] theory show that communication Transmission of policies into SOPs needs to be clarified; Operational communication clarity is good; Consistency is supported by continuous communication channels. Resources: 1) Human resources face development constraints, 2) Limited budget for developing facilities, 3) Basic facilities are available, but infrastructure needs to be improved, and 4) Managers who do not have an official decision letter experience uncertainty. Disposition: 1) Bureaucratic appointment by BUMDes, 2) Low daily wage incentives. Bureaucratic Structure: 1) SOPs are not created; they only refer to the Desa Margoyoso Regulations; 2) The division of responsibilities is ineffective; some positions do not function.
Keywords: Policy Implementation, Edwards III (1980), Communication, Resources, Disposition, Bureaucratic Structure
Pages: 1429-1433