E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024

The Authority of the Notary Regional Supervisory Council (MPDN) on the Effectiveness of Notary Supervision in the Municipality of Banda Aceh

Author(s): Adiyat Al-Kautsar, Mohd. Din, Yanis Rinaldi


The role of MPDN Banda Aceh Municipality is very important in supervising notaries in an effort to prevent abuse of office and criminal offenses. Challenges in the strength of authentic deed proof and notary non-compliance need firmer enforcement and more active coaching from MPDN. This study aims to analyze the authority, implementation, and model of MPDN supervision of notaries in the city of Banda Aceh using empirical juridical research methods with a qualitative approach and a variety of data sources. The results showed that MPDN has the authority, in accordance with applicable regulations, to conduct guidance, supervision, and examination of notaries, both preventively and curatively. The MPDN monitoring model is preventive by regulating the procedural and notarial protocols and curative by taking action against suspected violations of the Notary Position Law (UUJN) and the Notary Code of Ethics (KEN).

Keywords: Notary Regional Supervisory Council (MPDN), Notary Supervisory

Pages: 1145-1149

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