International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024
Notary's Responsibility for Loss of Deed Minutes
Author(s): Teuku Rahmatsyah, M Gaussyah, Darmawan
Law regulating the position of Notary (often called UUJN) No.30 of 2004 and has been amended by Law No.2 of 2014. Article 16 (1) UUJN establishes the obligation of the notary to prepare the instrument in the form of a clerical record and to preserve it as part of the notarial record in the event that the notary fails or fails to perform his duties. Letter b UUJN may be classified as an unlawful act (PMH) if a notary acted negligently while preserving and storing deed records in accordance with Article 16 (1) UUJN. Article 65 of the UUJN also states that notaries, provisional notaries and substitute notaries are responsible for every document they create. However, there are currently no regulations that clearly regulate the filing of notarized documents. Therefore, there is no uniform procedure for notaries in carrying out their duty to preserve documentary records as state archives. When storing all notarization agreements, traditional paper media are still used and saved manually.Based on the explanation above, the author is interested in researching and digging deeper into the loss of deed minutes caused by notary negligence and errors.
Keywords: Notary Responsibilities, Minutes of Deed
Pages: 803-810
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