International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024
The Effect of Globalization on One Person Company Business Models
Author(s): Dhifa Nadhira Syadzwina, Ermanto Fahamsyah, Nuzulia Kumala Sari
Individual companies are legal entities as a new business model applied in the community to build businesses through micro and small enterprises based on the Job Creation Law. The emergence of norm conflicts between the UULLC and the Law in the legal concept of a One Person Company needs to be clarified, especially in terms of the position of a One Person Company as a legal entity and the liability of the founder of a One Person Company. The existence of a One Person Company, which is now included in the category of movers in national economic development, causes the need to understand the legal concept of a One Person Company and its legal position based on the principles of utilitarianism philosophy. This research uses the normative juridical method with a statutory approach and conceptual approach, and legal materials are analyzed using the deductive method. The results of this study show that the influence of globalization on the legal concept of a One Person Company in Indonesia has positive and negative sides, positive because this business model can be applied as a new business model for the development of a competitive national economy, but the negative side is that resources and capital are limited. At the same time, third parties may not necessarily agree to partner with a One Person Company due to the high level of risk, and the legal position of the One Person Company based on the principle of utilitarianism is in line with Bentham's thinking in meeting individual needs, namely the One Person Company. However, one must still pay attention to Mill's thinking in fulfilling the greatest happiness as the concept of Economic Analysis of Law.
Keywords: Influence of Globalization, Business Model, One Person Company
Pages: 703-711