E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024

Authority of Harbormaster's Office and Port Authority in Handling of Shipping Crime in the Water Area of Meulaboh

Author(s): Teuku Budi Faisal, M Gaussyah, Mohd. Din


This research aims to discuss the authority of the Harbor Master's Office and Port Authority in handling shipping crime cases in the Meulaboh Water Area. This is based on the fact in practice that it is found that ships are used when carrying out activities at the port that do not have the approval of the Harbor Master's Official. Ships are often used to load goods beyond their capacity without permission. This is often done even though there is a prohibition from authorized officials or statutory regulations that regulate it and can be subject to sanctions as a result of the actions carried out by the perpetrators in carrying out their actions. In the jurisdiction of West Aceh Regency, there have been several cases related to transshipment activities in port pools without the Harbor Master's permission, such as what happened in October 2019 with the defendant in the name of Dasril alias Mucin Bin Anshari, who was the Master of the KM Ship. ESKA JAYA I from Mahyudistra Pratama Perkasa Company.

Keywords: Harbor Master's Office, Port Authority, Shipping Crime

Pages: 450-456

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