E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024

The Authority of Law Enforcement Officials in Uncovering Money Laundering Crimes Derived from Narcotics Offenses in the Jurisdiction of the Aceh Regional Police

Author(s): Rahmat, M Gaussyah, Mohd. Din


Several cases of Mone?y Laundering (TPPU) in Aceh Province are known or reasonably suspected to be the result of narcotics crimes. However, law enforcement against TPPU is not yet optimal because the TPPU Law still has limitations in efforts to detect TPPU, there are various interpretations of several norm formulations in applicable laws and regulations related to TPPU. The authority of agencies related to the implementation of the anti-money laundering regime has not been regulated clearly and firmly in the TPPU Law, including regarding the authority of predicate crime investigators to investigate TPPU, the authority of PPATK to block assets. "So it is necessary to carry out a study to find out and analyze the problem of TPPU law enforcement, especially regarding the Authority of Law Enforcement Officials in Revealing TPPU from the Proceeds of Narcotics Crimes in the Legal Area of the Aceh Regional Police."

Keywords: Law Enforcement, Money Laundering Crimes, Narcotics Crimes

Pages: 443-449

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