International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as Tool by Agricultural Extension Agents in Osun State, Nigeria
Author(s): Adeoye Ishaq G, Sa'adu Umar, Abdullahi Awwal G
This study assessed the factors influencing utilization of information communication technology (ICT) in agricultural extension service delivery in Osun state. A total of 175 respondents were considered (extension agents = 155, supervisors = 20). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage). The result from the research revealed that majority (80% and 90%) of respondents were male and are married respectively, while 87% are within the age range of 30 – 49 years. The family size of majority of the extension workers are within 4 – 6 members. While 61.7% of the respondents had, a handful (23.4%) had HND with few (14.9%) ND certificate holders. Their annual salaries range from N300,000 - N600,000 and majority (85%) of the extension workers do not belong to any agricultural association. Radio and Television (100%) were the ICTs most aware of among the extension workers followed by telephone (98.9%).
Keywords: ICT, Agricultural Extension, Nigeria
Pages: 259-261