E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024

Effect of Base Type Variation on Physicochemical Properties of Ambon Banana Peel (Musa Paradisiaca L) Methanol Extract Nanoemulsions Ointment

Author(s): Ulfa Afrinurfadhilah D, Rahma Nur Fitriana

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62225/2583049X.2024.4.3.2757


Ambon banana peel (Musa Paradisiaca L) contains flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids and saponins which have potential to be in the wound healing process. One of topical preparations suitable for wound healing is ointment. The ointment base can affect the release of active substances and absorption in the skin layers, since the release of the drug from its base is an important factor in the success of therapy. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of base type variations on the physicochemical properties of ointments from banana peel methanol extract nanoemulsions. Ambon banana peel extract was obtained by maceration using methanol solvent and made in the form of a nanoemulsion. Ambon banana peel extract nanoemulsion is then added to the ointment preparation with water-soluble, absorption and hydrocarbon base types. Ointments with variations in base types were observed for physicochemical properties including organoleptic, homogeneity, viscosity, pH and spreadability. The data obtained were analyzed statistically using One Way ANOVA. The results showed that variations in base type affected on organoleptic appearance, viscosity and spreadability but had no effect on the pH value and homogeneity. The absorption base produces a formula that meets the requirements for ointment preparations.

Keywords: Ambon Banana Peel (Musa Paradisiaca L), Ointment, Base Type, Physicochemical

Pages: 152-156

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