E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 4, 2023

Islamic Legal Views in Muamalah and Cryptocurrency

Author(s): Isnal Khoeril Alummah, Muhammad Basirun


Background: Muamalah based on Islam is part of one's activities in seeking world welfare by not leaving the hereafter. This study is important because a person in a transaction must be based on values with the principles of honesty, fairness and not harming each other. The purpose of this study is the law of cryptocurrency transactions based on Islamic law relating to gharar, maasyir, tadli and usury.

Research Methods: This research method uses normative law. This is done by examining library research with a conceptual approach model.

Research Results and Conclusion: Muamalah in Islam must not contain elements of gharar, usury, masyir and tadlis. Cryptocurrency cannot be used for financial transactions because it contains elements of gharar, usury, masyir and tadlis.

Keywords: Cryptocurrency, Gharar, Usury, Masyir and Tadlis

Pages: 1263-1267

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