E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 4, 2023

Detection Genotyping Virulence Factor among Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Isolated from Burns Patients

Author(s): Ali Kareem Jasim, Ahmed Aleiwi Hussein


A total of 153 samples (swabs) (48/153) isolates (31.37%), were taken from burned patients. were identified as P. aeruginosa using phenotypic techniques. The result were distributed between no growth (41\153) (26.83%) and other gram negative bacteria (64\153) (41.8%) Proteus spp. (5\153) (3.26%), Klebsiella spp. (27\153) (17.64%), E. coli (24\153) (15, 68%) and Acintobacter spp. (8\153) (5.22%). Clinical samples included (23\48) (47.9%) samples taken from male and (25\48) (52.1%) samples taken from females, as well as confirmation using method PCR for species-specific primer pairs to amplify 16S rRNA gene. In molecular study, 48 isolates were DNA extracted by boiling, measurement of the concentration of DNA samples was done by Nano-drop, chosen virulence factors genes (AlgD and pslD) which are responsible for biofilm formation the result was (70.84, 62.5) % respectively, gene (pvc) which is responsible for pyoverdine pigment the result was (83.34)% and gene (Exo A) responsible for exotoxin A enzyme the result was (72.92)%.

Keywords: Genotype, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Patients

Pages: 1209-1214

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