E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 4, 2023

Ethics and E-Governance: Social Change in the post Covid-19 Pandemic in India

Author(s): Ranjit Bordoloi


Ethics and E Governance can use the term interconnecting in present day scenario having with significant contribution and challenges in present day development administration. So, all governments have needed to prescribe a code of conduct for all ministers and civil servants with a method of detailed information of instructions containing ‘dos and don’ts’. Ethics and E Governance has different dimension comprising Control of corruption, bridge digital divide, business data security, facilities learning processes and information and removes regional disparities. It’s great to fact that e-Governance can streamline processes, improve transparency and enhance accessibility for citizens of India and abroad. It’s a positive step towards a more efficient and digital empowered India. However digital divide, lack of awareness, data security and privacy concern, technological infrastructure, capacity building and corruption are simultaneously working challenges from the stakeholders to promote accountability in e-governance practices.

Keywords: E-Governance, Social Change, Covid-19, India

Pages: 838-840

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