E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 4, 2023

Analysis of Production and Nutrient Potential of Rhizophora mucronata Liter in the Puntondo Mangrove Conservation Area in Laikang Village, Mangarabombang Sub-District, Takalar District

Author(s): Yolanda, Asbar, Muhammad Yunus


Yolanda, 2023 This study aims to determine how much leaf litter production, nutrient content (C, N, P, and K) from rhizophora mucronata leaf litter in the mangrove conservation area Puntondo Hamlet, Laikang Village, Mangarabombang District, Takalar Regency. Litter has a major influence on nutrients that enter the soil because most of the nutrients return to the soil through fallen leaves. Sampling for mangrove vegetation analysis is carried out by transect-squared method. Litter fall is captured by litter-trap, the average value of litter production is calculated using the formula of the average value of production per plot, for the production of nutrient potential from litter, nutrient analysis (C, N, P, and K) is carried out in the laboratory. Rhizhophora mucronata litter production in the Puntondo Hamlet Mangrove Conservation area at station III amounted to 15.51 tons / ha / year, station II 13.71 tons / ha / year, station I 11.31 tons / ha / year. The nutrient content of Rhizhophora mucronata is carbon (C) with an average of 16.53 tons / ha / year, nitrogen content (N) with an average of 1.06 tons / ha / year, forsor content with an average of 0.77 tons / ha / year, and an average potassium content of 0.95 tons / ha / year.

Keywords: Puntondo Mangrove Conservation Area, Litter Production, Nutrients

Pages: 746-749

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