E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 4, 2023

Premenstrual Syndrome on Injectable Contraceptive Acceptors

Author(s): Bambang Hariyadi, Colti Sistiarani, Eri Wahyuningsih, Siti Nurhayati


Premenstrual syndrome can be experienced in women that occurs in the phase of the range of childbearing age. Premenstrual syndrome is associated with the use of contraceptives on acceptors of injectable birth control. The use of hormonal contraceptives, one of which is injectable birth control, tends to be chosen by WUS to delay the child. The type of research carried out is qualitative with descriptive approach. The informant in this study was WUS who used injectable hormonal contraceptives. Informants were selected with a purposive approach and in this study, 7 WUS main informants were obtained, while supporting informants were cadres and midwives. The use of PMS-related birth control is considered to reduce PMS symptoms. The use of birth control is associated with the light weight of PMS because informants do not get menstruation or menstruation becomes more frequent.

Keywords: Premenstrual Syndrome, Injectable Contraceptives, Women of Childbearing Age

Pages: 461-463

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