E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 4, 2023

A Review of Therapeutic Uses of Haritaki Avaleha Rasayana as a Public Health Tool at the Time of Communicable Disease

Author(s): Vd. Kishankumar D Makawana, Vd. Dhanshri B Kumbhar


In India, a variety of endemic communicable illnesses pose a severe public health threat. India is in the midst of a transitional age, both epidemiologically and demographically. Life expectancy has grown, resulting in an increase in aging-related diseases and unhealthy lifestyles. Nonetheless, communicable diseases continue to be prevalent and are serious public health concerns. Communicable illnesses have become a severe hazard to society in our growing country due to low socioeconomic standards, inadequate sanitary conditions, and population increase. Rasayana therapy is especially beneficial in the treatment of such a problem in which immunity and infections play a major role. According to Ayurvedic principles, a person's immunity & longevity can be boosted by following a healthy diet and lifestyle, as well as using Rasayana correctly. Taking Haritaki Avleha Rasayana can assist to boost a person's immunity and keep them safe from infectious disease like Shwasa, Kasa etc. Haritaki Avaleha is Roganuta type among Rasayana, its help for cure Shwasa, Kasa like communicable disease. In Charak samhita Haritaki Avaleha mentioned in Kasa Chikitsa Adhyaya. The present situation Shwasa, Kasa like communicable disease during and after covid-19 situations, hence Haritaki Avaleha is highly good for longevity and immunity in these conditions.

Keywords: Dirghayu, Longevity, Immunity, Post Covid-19 Complications, Epidemiology

Pages: 442-445

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