International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2023
A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards HDFC Banks in Coimbatore City
Author(s): Dr. MR Chandrasekar, B Srinidhi
In the current scenario customer satisfaction is the major problem for the banking sector. It is very difficult to identify the customer needs and wants. Due to which serving the customer becomes difficult. Now a days customer preferences keep on changing at a rapid speed and their demands are insatiable. It is also very difficult for marketers in retaining current customers and attracting future customers. In order to cater to the changing preferences, bankers are bound to provide the services suitable to their needs to survive. To have a large market share attaining and retaining customers is important. Customer is the king of the present-day banking, since the banks are providing tailor-made services to the changing needs of customers to face the competition from rival banks. Customers are not ready to accept any delay in service today and are in need of information to take instant decisions. Therefore, customer satisfaction is more important in servicing. Customers are not homogenous in their behavioural pattern, attitudes, needs and expectations. The study is also intended to analyse the attitude of the customers towards the services provided by the HDFC Banks.
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, HDFC Bank, Coimbatore City, Service Quality, Banking Products & Service, Customer Experience, Customers Perception
Pages: 358-361
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