International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2023
Rightly Understanding and Responding to Corruption as Human Rights Violation
Author(s): Dr. Gunardi Endro, Dr. Astrid Meilasari-Sugiana
Corruption is often explained as acts causally related to the plethora of human rights violations. Such an explanation aims at mobilizing the public to develop an opposition attitude against it. However, an emphasis on the causal aspect of corruption can lead to exaggerated responses that are counterproductive since not all corruption cases deserve the same response. This article conceptually accentuates the moral aspect of corruption before its causal aspect and highlights it to ensure of its nature as a violation of human rights. The causal aspect is featured subsequently to ensure right responses according to the classification of the violations.
Keywords: Corruption, Moral Aspect, Casual Aspect, Human Rights, Violation
Pages: 340-346