International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2023
The Viral Phenomenon on Social Media is a New Legal Norm-No Viral, No Justice
Author(s): Dr. TB M Ali Ridho Azhari, Dr. Soleh Rosyad
Law is seen as a process of carrying out actions to uphold the functions of norms and regulations. The law develops on social media, which impacts social media. Social media provides information and services that make things easier for humans. This study aims to evaluate viral phenomena on social media in terms of new legal norms to formulate directions for further studies to be carried out from literature evaluations. This study uses a systematic review by tracing previous studies that have been published. This type of research is descriptive-evaluative with a qualitative approach. Some viral cases can be criminalized into law. Virtual Police in Indonesia is a police activity to educate the public about opinions or content that can potentially violate criminal acts. The role of the community is very important to report the level of crime and encourage law enforcement to take action. Only 4 studies were found when the keywords "law enforcement and viral in social media" were written. However, these 4 cases did not emphasize law enforcement through the presence of virtual police.
Keywords: Social Law, Social Media No Justice, Digital Culture
Pages: 277-282