E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 4, 2023

An Empirical Investigation on the Recruitment and Selection Process of Manpower in BlitzJobs

Author(s): Chettri Sanjana


Manpower planning in an organization is concerned with the planning of the human resources and the success of an organization is also influenced by manpower planning and decision. But with growing business activities and changing trends in the corporate worlds, the decision of the manpower planning needs to be revised, updated and amended continuously with the aim of achieving harmony in the decision-making process. With this view, this study was conducted to throw a light on the recruitment and selection process adopted by one of the Human Resource consultancy firms, named BlitzJobs that hires and recruits’ employees for other organization as well as for own existence. The study has been conducted with primary data source collected using structured questionnaires from the employees of the BlitzJobs. The data has been organized and analyzed using basic interpretation tools such as percentages, average, charts and graphs. The findings of the study suggested that the organization has been using campus recruitment and online advertisement as the preferred source of recruitment but it needs further improvement in its recruitment procedures as the responses were quite unsatisfactory in term of satisfaction and the presence of favoritism in the internal source of recruitment is reflected in the results.

Keywords: Manpower Planning, Human Resource Consultancy Firm, Recruitment, Selection, Human Resources

Pages: 243-248

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