International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 4, 2022
Implementation of Madrasah marketing strategies based on diversification of education programs in increasing institutional competitiveness at MTsN 1 City of Malang Indonesia
Author(s): Saadatul Athiyah, Achmad Patoni, Ahmad Tanzeh
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of madrasa strategy in increasing competitiveness to win the hearts of customers through the development of educational programs. The advantages of education are believed to be a place as well as an attraction for as many customers as possible for quality education. With the focus of research on the implementation of madrasa marketing based on diversification of educational programs in increasing competitiveness in MTsN 1 Malang City.
This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type at the Fathul Ulum Puton Islamic Boarding School Diwek Jombang. Sources of informant data from events, locations, and both primary and secondary documents. Data collection techniques with participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis used Huberman's interactive data analysis technique. While checking the validity of the data is done through peer discussion, triangulation of data sources and triangulation of methods.
The results of this study are the implementation of madrasa marketing strategies based on diversification of educational programs in increasing competitiveness in state madrasah tsanawiyah carried out through three stages, namely a) determining the program along with the principles and program models to be developed; b) determining the structure of the person in charge of the program based on competence; c) determination of program implementation and accountability procedures (SOP); d) determination of program budget.
Keywords: Marketing Strategy Implementation, Diversification, Institutional Competitiveness
Pages: 499-505
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