International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 4, 2022
The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Building Construction in Vocational Training Schools in Fako Division of the South West Region of Cameroon
Author(s): Lydia Enanga Awo, Dr. Tante Charles, Dr. Awandia Joseph
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) on Students Critical thinking Skills in Building Construction in Vocational Training Schools in Fako Division. The study was guided by a specific objective which is to investigate the effect of Problem-Based Learning on the critical thinking skills of male and female students. A hypothesis was deduced to guide the study. The study adopted a mixed methods research approach. The sequential explanatory research design was used. Five instruments were used in this study: a test and questionnaire were used to collect the main data from students while an interview guide, an observation checklist and documentary analysis were used to collect supporting evidence from the teachers, students and Vocational training Institutions respectively. The instruments were validated by two Heads of Department for Building Construction, an Educational Psychologist, a Data Analyst and two Supervisors who checked on the accuracy, content and adequacy of the instruments. The reliability of the test (0.880) and questionnaires (0.878) were tested using the Cronbach Alpha formula and the overall coefficient value stood at 0.880. The reliability of the interview and observation guide were ensured through key Informants. The population of the study was made up of 6 Vocational Training Schools in Fako Division consisting of 750 students and 73 teachers. A purposive sampling technique was used to obtain the sample of the study that was 120 students and 4 trainers (124 participants). The quantitative data collected were analysed using descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (independent Sample T-test) statistical tools. The results showed that the critical thinking mean achievement score for both the male (36.26) and female (34.41) final year students taught using the PBL approach did not significantly differ by gender. Based on the above results, the following recommendations were proffered; teachers should implement PBL in training their students. School administrators should ensure the strict and regular supervision on the implementation of Problem-Based Learning. Finally, the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training should supply the much-needed material and financial resources to ease the implementation of PBL.
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Competences, Building Construction, Vocational Schools
Pages: 6-21
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