E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023

Improving the Quality of Learning Advertising Work in Training by Credit System at University of Labor-Social

Author(s): Hung Tran Huy


In the process of training university students in the form of credit, the capacity of academic advisors will affect the interests and quality of learners. They are advisors, guide students to choose and register for courses that are suitable for their own learning ability, provide information and answer questions during the learning process. The roles and tasks set out requirements for the academic staff are that they must understand the training process, grasp the student's psycho-physiology, have knowledge and skills about the training industry, and have personal work experience individually and in groups, working in close coordination with management units in the university and making good use of information technology for training. However, in reality, the quality of CVHT work has not yet achieved the desired effect. This article refers to the current status of the role of academic advisors at the University of Labor and Social Affairs. Through that, the author offers some solutions to improve the quality of academic advisors for schools to maximize the role of academic advisors.

Keywords: Academic Advisor, Credit System, Faculty

Pages: 337-339

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