International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 6, 2022
Acceptability and Nutritional Value of Black Plum Fruits (Vitexdoniana Sweet) and Shea Butter Fruits (Vitellaria paradise) Drinks
Author(s): Ibrahim A Umar, Ibrahim FJ, Esther A Msheliza
Black plum fruits (Vitexdoniana sweet) and Shea butter fruits (Vitellania paradise) are healthy fruits due to their high in dietary fiber and therefore are suitable for people of all ages. This study was aimed at assessing the sensory quality and acceptability of drinks prepared from Black plum fruits and Shea butter fruits. The population for the study consists of 145 panelists from the three senatorial zones in Gombe State. Purposive and stratified random sampling techniques were used to select thirty (30) respondents out of the population which were used for the study. Score card drafted on 5 points numerical rating scale was used for gathering data. All data were subjected to one way Analysis of Variance at 0.0 5significance level. The results showed that there was no significant difference in sensory qualities of Black plum fruits and Shea butter fruits in term of taste, texture and general acceptability, while significant differences exist in appearance among the samples. Significant differences in the general acceptability level of Black plum fruits and Shea butter fruits drinks were also noticed and some few recommendations were made.
Keywords: Black Plum, Shea Butter, Epicarp, Mesocarp
Pages: 1035-1039
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