International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 6, 2022
Communication strategies in BBC: A Critical Analysis of BBC- Sinhala Service
Author(s): DN Jayarathne, Joel Jairus
This research has been conducted to indicate the communication strategies used in BBC – Sinhala service. BBC- Sinhala service is Sri Lanka’s first international media and Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom have a deep relationship as Sri Lanka was a British colony for decades. Therefore, it was interesting to examine the communication strategies used by the British main international media BBC with its special reference to Sri Lanka. This research is qualitative research and the data was collected through secondary content such as BBC – website and BBC’s Facebook page. These documents have been reviewed and the data analyzed through content analysis. The research indicated 5 main impactful communication strategies used by BBC- Sinhala service for its international audiences such as documentary news reporting, storytelling, vox pop, and live video reporting, Style, Repertoire and Arrangement, Catchy headline and persuasive language and expertise viewpoints and sources of information. There are several limitations in this present study. In the future, these can be expanded. The current study only used to indicate the communication strategies in the future this can be expanded to identify the impact of communication strategies on the audience. Further, the secondary contents were only used to collect the data, the primary data could use in future research as well.
Keywords: Communication Strategies, BBC Sinhala Service, International Media
Pages: 399-403
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