E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022

The strategy of ecotourism potency development of coastal area in Bengkulu city Indonesia

Author(s): Handoko Hadiyanto


The objectives of this research are to know the positioning (internal and external conditions) of the ecotourism potency of Bengkulu City’s Indonesia coastal area and to determine the development strategy of it. This is qualitative descriptive research. The collecting of data uses observation, questionnaire, and documentation. The analysis data uses statistics method with analysis instrument is Likert Scale with five scales, those are strongly agreed, agree, quite agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. Results of the research show that the position of ecotourism potential of coastal area of Bengkulu City consists of (a) the strengths of development potency are greater than weaknesses. The three highest strengths are including (1) the availability of restaurants; (2) the availability of hotels; and (3) the locations of tourism attractions are strategic, varied types, and relatively large numbers. The three lowest weaknesses are including (1) there is no international flight into Bengkulu City; (2) the public transports facilities are inadequate; and (3) they not representative and (b) the opportunities of development potency are greater than the three highest opportunities are including (1) the abolition of visitor visa for foreign tourists; (2) the promotion of various tourist attractions in coastal areas via the internet; and (3) the relatively large number of holidays. The three lowest threats are including (1) lack of community participation; (2) lack of knowledge of the community and tourist; and (3) the potency of pollutions. Second, the determination of the strategy of ecotourism potency development of coastal area in Bengkulu City are S-O strategies, W-O strategies, S-T strategies, and W-T strategies. But the dominant strategies are the S-O strategies.

Keywords: Development Strategy, Ecotourism Potency, Coastal Area

Pages: 12-17

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