International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022
Minority entrepreneurship in Vietnam
Author(s): Mai Luu Huy, Dao Thong Minh, Nguyen Anh Phuc, Vo Hoang Bac, Tran Thanh Quan, Tran Huy Cuong
Vietnam's majority region accounts for about 70% of the natural land area, which is the residence of the ethnic minority where there is a lot of economic potential and plays a huge role in the copper ecological environment. At that time, it was especially important for national defense and security. Depending on nature, the ethnic people still fell into poverty and poverty. Poverty is one of the urgent issues that need to be addressed and addressed. Because, while humanity is entering the Fourth Industrial Revolution, there is still a part of the population living in poverty. Therefore, one of the UN's top policies is to improve the living standards of more than one billion poor people in the world. In Vietnam, the lives of ethnic minorities are of particular concern to our Party and State. Some issues such as spontaneous migration, temporary housing, lack of residential land, productive land, domestic water have not been effectively addressed, the life of a part of ethnic minority still many difficulties. Infrastructure in ethnic minority areas is still lacking and weak. The development and implementation of a number of ethnic policies still face many shortcomings such as many asynchronous policies, lack of connectivity, short implementation time, overlap on audience and policy content. Some policies in ethnic minority and northern regions are also supportive, causing psychological expectations, evaluating on them, not encouraging people and communities to rise out of poverty.
Keywords: Ethnic Entrepreneurship, Ethnic Minority, Rural Areas
Pages: 231-236
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