International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022
Occupational hazards and safety practices among street cleaners in Port Harcourt
Author(s): Chibuzor Chika, Righteous Innime
This study investigated the occupational health hazard and safety practices among street cleaners in Port Harcourt metropolis. A descriptive survey was adopted, with an estimated population of two thousand two hundred and fifty-six (2256) and sample size of four hundred and eighty (480) respondents which represent 21% of the total population, simple random method was used to select the respondents from the selected streets of the study area. A questionnaire entitled: occupational health hazard and safety practice (QOHHSP) was developed and used for data collection. The questionnaire was validated by the supervisor and two other experts in the department. A reliability coefficient index of 0.6 using Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient; the research question was answered using mean and standard deviation whereas the null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using z-test statistics. The findings are as follows: high and low temperature, high ionizing radiation, from early morning sun, extreme heat, among others, mosquito bites, inhale of microbial agents, bacterial and spore infections, exposure to toxic gases and corrosive gases, combustible and flammable gases due to heavy vehicular movement; lack of co-operation from co-workers, feeling of job insecurity, work overload, stress and frustration from poor wages characterized psychological health hazards. Ergonomic hazards resulting from handling of oversized objects and moving overweight load over a distance and musculoskeletal pains among others. Two hypotheses were accepted while four was rejected. Based on the research finding it was recommended that proper occupational health education and training of street cleaners should be adopted and appropriate personal protective equipment should be provided for street cleaners to reduce fatigue, musculoskeletal disorders and injuries for effective work processes.
Keywords: Personal Protective Equipment, Occupational hazards, Biological Health Hazard
Pages: 206-213
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