International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022
Grounded theory in Educational Research: A literature review of features and processes
Author(s): Shava GN, Tlou FN, Shonhiwa S
Grounded theory which is a systematic methodology of discovering theory from data in social science and educational research is considered a general methodology and a way of thinking about conceptualizing data. Using Grounded theory, meaning is negotiated and understood through interactions with others in a social process. This desk top research provides an overview of the features of grounded theory, and in the process, activities involved in using grounded theory are highlighted. Further weaknesses and strengths of grounded theory are discussed. In this article we argue that using an appropriate research method for an inquiry is critical to successful educational research.
Keywords: Grounded Theory Method, Qualitative Research, Data Analysis, Emerging Themes, and Coding
Pages: 198-205
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