International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022
The S3 platform as a digital transition accelerator in EU Enlargement Countries
Author(s): Dr. Andreja Mihailovic, Edin Garaplija
In this paper, the authors will highlight the relevance of Smart Specialization Strategies (S3) as an original innovation policy approach to foster the digital transformation in enlargement countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo) by providing examples of S3 implementation in a variety of contexts. The significance of smart specialization strategies for countries aspiring to join the European Union (EU) cannot be overstated, as they represent an exceptional development opportunity. The S3 platform is a powerful mechanism for creating strong coordination between the scientific research community and industrial structures. As such, it serves as a kind of reference point for innovation activities in terms of directing them towards the identified needs of the economy. As a result, by stimulating regional innovation potential, digital transformation, and economic growth, regional competitive advantages will be strengthened, which will have a significant impact on broadening the EU perspective of the Western Balkans region.
Keywords: Smart Specialisation Strategy, digital transition, innovation, WB, enlargement process
Pages: 167-169
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