International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022
Effectiveness and utilization of COVID-19 control PPE among Senior Secondary School Students in Rivers State
Author(s): Oparanma Florence Uche, Boma Iweriso George, Chibuzor Chika
This study investigated the effectiveness and utilization of COVID-19 control PPE. The study was guided by three objectives, three research questions and one hypothesis. The adopted a descriptive survey design and sample 800 senior secondary school students using simple random sampling technique. A validated instrument titled effectiveness of COVID-19 PPE and utilization questionnaire with a reliability index of 0.82 was used to collect. The data was collected by the researcher. Mean, standard deviation and spearman rank order correlation were used to analyze the data collected. It was found that the senior secondary school student has negative perception about the effectiveness of COVID-19 control PPE (2.45±0.914) and poor utilization of PPE (2.29±1.057). students’ perception correlated with their level of utilization of PPE (r 0.728, P.val 0.000 and r2 = 0.529). it as recommends among others that: Secondary school students should be properly oriented regarding reality of utilizing COVID-19 control PPE and Government should set up monitoring team to ensure that school management enforce compulsory nose masking by the students.
Keywords: COVID-19 control, PPE, effectiveness, Secondary school students, Rivers State
Pages: 160-166
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