E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023

Innovative Methods of Improving Students' Oral Speech Competence in English

Author(s): Usarova Dildora Abduazizovna


This article highlights the use of modern educational technologies which allows teachers to qualitatively, at a new level, teach students all four types of speech activity (reading, listening, writing and speaking). The use of innovative methods in the classroom helps the teacher to develop in students’ independence, responsibility, the ability to adapt to the current situation, the ability to work with dictionaries, as well as reference literature. Thus, modern pedagogical technologies in combination with modern information technologies can significantly increase the efficiency of the educational process.

As a result of the studied materials, conclusions were given about the innovative methods of improving students' oral speech competence in English and its importance today.

Keywords: Academic and Professional Success, The Most Effective Methods, Interactive Activities, Communication Skills, Multimedia Resources, Practical Applications, Oral Speech Competence

Pages: 934-935

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