International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies is an international peer reviewed bimonthly open access journal publishing online versions.
Publication fee
India: 800 INR
International: 20 USD
Manuscript types
- Original Research Articles
- Review articles
- Short Communications
- Case Studies
Manuscript preparation
The manuscript should be prepared in English using "MS Word" with 1 inch margin on all sides (Top, Bottom, Left and Right side) of the page. "Times New Roman" font should be used. The font size should be of 10pt but main Title should be of 14pt bold sentence case, main headings should be of 10pt bold sentence case, subheadings should be of 10pt bold sentence case. Manuscript should be concisely typewritten in 1.0 spaces in A4 sized sheets. The pages shall be numbers consequently.
Sequence for manuscripts submission
- Title Page
- Authors and Co-Authors details and their affiliations
- Abstract (100 to 250 words)
- Keywords (4-to 6 keywords should be provided)
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion
- Recommendations (optional)
- Acknowledgement (optional)
- References
Title: All manuscripts should start with a title page. The title should be as short as possible on the first page, which provides precise information about the contents, followed by names of author (s), affiliations (s) and institutional addresses.
Author names: All author names must provide their full name (surnames first) and mentioned below the title. Designations of the authors with full contact details like address, phone number and email to be mentioned. The Corresponding author of the manuscript must be marked with an asterisk (*) and should be listed first. In addition, the corresponding author must indicate his or her complete mailing address, phone number and email address at the lower left of the title page.
Abstract: Abstract should not be more than 250 words and be informative, completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic, state the scope of the experiments, indicate significant data, important observations and conclusion. Standard nomenclature should use; abbreviations and references should be avoided.
Keywords: All the manuscripts should include keywords. Keywords reflecting the major features of the work should be inserted about four to six. These keywords will be used for the indexing purpose.
Introduction: Introduction should include background of the subject, earlier works carried out, signify the relationship with the proposed work and aims and objectives of this study.
Materials and methods: It should be complete enough to allow experiments to be reproduced. All the procedures should be described in detail. For example, diagnostic methods, description of the eligibility of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, methods adopted for the study along with the references to the established method, dosage, route of administration should be mentioned in detail.
Results and discussion: The observations of the study must illustrate with figures or tables wherever necessary. The research with appropriate statistical analysis described in the methods section should be self explanatory.
Conclusion: The major findings of the work highlighting its importance, relevance and their usefulness of the study shall summarized. The conclusions of this study must discuss a short summary and further scope in the field should describe in this context.
Acknowledgement: All acknowledgments be typed in one paragraph directly preceding the reference section and may include supporting grants, presentations, and so forth.
References should be in following format: Skrzypacz J, Bieganowski M. The influence of micro grooves on the parameters of the centrifugal pump impeller. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2018; 144:827-835.
Citing a Book
Author(s) name. Title of book. Edition of book (if not the first edition). Place of Publication, Publisher Name, Year of Publication, Page No.
Example: Dita JM. Fundamentals of Research. 2nd edn. India, OPRA Publications, 2004, 204-212.
For Journal Articles
Author(s) name. Title of article. Title of journal. Publication year; Volume (Issue): Page No.
Example: Ihemanma CA, Ekeoma VU, Ejike BU. Mycobacterium tuberculosis among middle-aged individuals attending the T.B Unit in Aba South primary health care center aba, Abia State Nigeria. Int J Res Rev. 2015; 2(12):739-744.
Author. Title of publication. Place of publication (if available): Publisher (if available); Date of publication-year month day (supply year if month and day not available) [updated year month day; cited year month day]. Retrieved from: web address.
Example: Anacletus FC, Okoroafor NA. Assessment of oral glucose tolerance in women attending ante natal in some private clinics in Port Harcourt: a measure of gestational diabetes. 2015 [updated 2015 Nov. 10; cited 2015 Dec. 24]. Retrieved from:
For Reports and other Government Publications
Author(s). Title of report. Place of publication, Publisher, Date of publication-year, month (if applicable), Total number of pages (if applicable e.g. 24 p). Report No: (if applicable)
Example: Prasad SS, Gupta PK, Mishra JP. Field studies on compatibility of new insecticides and fungicides against stem borer and leaf blast under semi deep water rice condition. Vadodara, Galore Knowledge Publication Pvt. Ltd, 2015, 24p. Report No: GHI224
Note: Authors are requested to send their articles according to the given format mentioned in the guidelines to the authors.