E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 6, 2024

Implementation Strategy for Child Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) Families in East Lampung in a Governance Perspective

Author(s): Ani Agus Puspawati, Susana Indriyati Caturiani, Anisa Utami, Kholifatul Munawaroh, Jamingatun Hasanah

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62225/2583049X.2024.4.6.3600


This research aims to build a strategy for the implementation of child protection for migrant workers. The poor condition shows that there is a social phenomenon for the welfare of migrant workers' families. The rights of migrant workers have not been optimally provided. The care of children of migrant workers who are left behind by parents working abroad has a great influence on the development of their children. The education of children of PMI families is in good condition if communication is established with their parents. The strategy that should be carried out is to build collaboration between various parties (PMI families, village governments, and non-governmental organizations that observe children or communities at the village and private levels).

Keywords: PMI Child Protection, Governance

Pages: 1284-1289

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