E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 6, 2024

Language Identity among the Chik Baraik of Jharkhand and Odisha

Author(s): Sathisha M, Dr. CV Shivaramakrishna

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62225/2583049X.2024.4.6.3505


Linguistic minorities are typically bilingual or multilingual. Their mother tongue is usually limited to use within the home or among members of their community, while the dominant languages in their environment are used for broader functions like education, administration, and mass communication. In this way, language, whether individually or in clusters, serves as a marker of cultural identity for both individuals and groups. This paper investigates language and culture as a significant marker of identity among the Chik Baraik tribe in Jharkhand and Odisha. A qualitative approach was employed using questionnaires and group interviews. The study used SPSS for the analysis of the variables where the statistical significance was considered at p less than 0.05. The study showed that despite being a linguistic minority, the Chik Baraik were proud of their culture, language and social identity.

Keywords: Language Identity, Sociolinguistics, Chik Baraik

Pages: 737-747

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