E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 6, 2024

Value Chain Analysis of Silver Perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) in Banilan Pakil, Laguna, Philippines

Author(s): Jayson N Olayta, Janica F Quiambao, Donabel C Arevalo

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62225/2583049X.2024.4.6.3492


Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) is one of the most valuable freshwater fish in the country, particularly in Laguna de Bay. Due to its readiness to spawn in captivity and successful hatchery production in outdoor tanks, ayungin is considered an emerging species with potential for inland freshwater aquaculture. The study was conducted to investigate the value chain of silver perch in Banilan, Pakil, Laguna. Descriptive research design using purposive sampling technique was used in the study. Fisherfolks and fish processor in Banilan, Pakil, Laguna was the respondents of this study. Key players in the value chain are responsible in the catching, processing, and marketing of silver perch. Both fisherfolks and fish processors encountered different problems throughout the process such as lack of government support, lack in raw materials/input materials, lack of capital, lack of laborer, poor payment in raw materials, inability to meet the product standard, and competitive pricing for silver perch. When it comes to profitability, the result showed that fisherfolks got the highest net profit margin compared to the fish processors. The government support on silver perch production will help the fisher folks in creating production practices of silver perch and develop sustainable sources for processing.

Keywords: Fisherfolks, Fish Processors, Key Players, Net Profit Margin, Silver Perch, Value Chain

Pages: 658-665

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