International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 5, 2024
The Impact of Technological, Environmental, and Organizational Factors on the Digital Transformation of Businesses in Bac Lieu
Author(s): Nguyen Thi Duc Loan, Tran Cong Tinh
In the era of the Digital Industrial Revolution, digital transformation is an inevitable trend for the sustainable development of businesses. Enterprises in B?c Liêu are also facing numerous challenges in the digital transformation process, including weak technological infrastructure, inadequate human resources, limited awareness, and financial shortages. This study focuses on analyzing the factors within the TOE (Technology, Organization, Environment) theoretical framework and how they impact the digital transformation process of businesses in B?c Liêu. Data were collected from January to October 2023 through surveys of local enterprises, utilizing the PLS-SEM model for validation. The results indicate that both technology and environmental factors positively influence the organization and digital transformation. The research provides both theoretical and practical value, offering guidance for businesses in B?c Liêu to enhance performance and competitiveness in the digital age.
Keywords: Digital Transformation, Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE)
Pages: 1174-1178
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