E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 5, 2024

Explaining the Madurese Migration Tradition

Author(s): Nawiyanto, Andang Subaharianto, Sri Ana Handayani, Krisnanda T Primaditya

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62225/2583049X.2024.4.5.3338


The Madurese historically have a very strong migration tradition. This study aims to analyze the historical process of Madurese migration, especially to East Java, and the factors that influence the migration pattern. The main problem raised is how this migration is influenced by internal and external conditions, including colonial policies and infrastructure development. The method used in this study is the historical method by utilizing both primary and secondary historical sources in the form of historical literature. The research findings show that Madurese migration continues to increase, especially with the improvement of transportation and job opportunities in commercial plantations. This migration not only plays a role in reducing economic pressures in Madura, but also forms a significant Madurese community in the East Java region. The eastern tip of Java has become the main area for Madurese migration. The demographic structure in the Tapal Kuda area shows the dominance of the Madurese ethnic group, with several areas such as Panarukan and Bondowoso having a Madurese population percentage reaching more than 90% in the early 20th century. In fact, the number of Madurese in the eastern tip of Java is much larger than the number of Madurese on Madura Island itself.

Keywords: Madurese, Migration Tradition, Indonesia

Pages: 880-885

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