International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 5, 2024
Evaluation of Energy Security Summits on Climate Change; Kyoto Protocol and Copenhagen Accord
Author(s): Moses Temitope Samuel, Salami Elizebeth Oiza, Okunola Deborah Oluwatofunmi, Paul Shedrach Awugo, Inang Rosemary Edet, Opute C Phil, Ogundele Kehinde Samuel, Ogunleye Adekunle Solomon
The rise and incessant increase of Industrialization, modernization and advanced technology have attributed to a greater challenge in contemporary international politics. It has brought about a shift in major discuss and study of international relations and politics from the anarchical nature of nation states to climate change. This research work focuses on the hypocrisy in United Nation, a case study of the Kyoto Protocol and Copenhagen summit. It highlights the various summit held to find solution to climate change, the discrepancy and hypocritical politics or decision in the United Nation, solutions agreed from various summit and as well the United nation contribution to climate change. It adopted a qualitative method of research with data from written literature and journals from different scholars and UN articles. Realism was adopted as theoretical frame work which shows that sates will go to any extents to defends her interest not minding the global disaster, which has influenced the decisions and as brought about rational and immoral decisions from some advanced or rich nations. It concludes that, the hypocritical nature of some states has posed more threats to the issues at hand, due to the use of fossil fuels, every wealthy nation today became wealthy, the world's largest development agencies refuse to support the use of fossil fuels, which poor countries may employ to escape poverty at the insistence of wealthier nations not minding the fact that they contribute more to global emission than the poor nations. The study therefore recommends that, a legal frame work need to be set, nation states need to forget political and ideological differences and rather corporate to find solution to the gory situation. Lastly, advanced countries who contributed more to global emission should be held accountable and should as well finance poor countries to implement the policies.
Keywords: Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen Submit, Realism, Balance Threat
Pages: 656-661
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