E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 5, 2024

Fall Risk Management by Nurses in the Inpatient Wards of Aceh Government Regional General Hospital, Indonesia

Author(s): Rara Clarinda Muis, Hajjul Kamil, Ardia Putra, Muhammad Yusuf, Putri Mayasari

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62225/2583049X.2024.4.5.3295


A patient fall is an incident that commonly occurs with or without injury. Not only does it potentially cause injury, but these incidents can also prolong the length of stay and increase the treatment cost. Nurses play an essential role in assessing and preventing the risk of falls in patients through appropriate education and preventive measures by Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Effective implementation of SOPs can reduce the frequency and impact of fall incidents and improve the safety and quality of patient care. This case study aimed to expound on fall risk management in the Aceh Government Regional General Hospital wards. A quantitative case study type with a cross-sectional study was designed. The sample consisted of 28 nurses, and the data collection tool used an observation sheet to examine the implementation of fall risk management following the hospital SOP. Data analysis used descriptive statistical tests; the data was then presented as a frequency distribution table. The results show that 67.9% of nurses implemented fall risk management, and 32.1% did not implement it. It was essential to increase nurses’ compliance with the SOP for managing fall risk by monitoring and evaluating periodically and in stages by the first-line manager in the Aceh Government Regional General Hospital wards. It is also recommended that nurses routinely assess the risk of falling in patients, educate patients and their families about it, and participate in ongoing training to improve patient safety in hospitals to achieve better quality healthcare.

Keywords: Fall Risk Management, Nurse, Operational Procedure

Pages: 602-605

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