E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 5, 2024

Economic Analysis and Demographic Determinants of Solar Energy for Agricultural Sustainability in North Region of Bangladesh

Author(s): Md. Munzurul Haque, Md. Elias Hossain, SM Shafiuzzaman, Md. Rozi Uddin


This study investigates the economic viability and demographic determinants of solar-powered agricultural systems in Bangladesh, emphasizing their potential to enhance agricultural sustainability. Through a comprehensive analysis of economic metrics such as payback period, return on investment, and net present value, the findings indicate that while the initial investment is substantial, these systems can yield significant returns. Variability in operational costs and area coverage suggests that local conditions play a crucial role in influencing system efficiency and profitability. A logistic regression analysis reveals that family size, motivation, and education are significant predictors of solar adoption. In contrast, age, land size, and income did not affect the decision of farmers to adopt the SIP. Based on these insights, the study recommends targeted outreach and education initiatives, customized financial solutions, and further exploration of site-specific factors to promote solar energy adoption among farmers. By addressing these areas, solar-powered agricultural systems can become more accessible and economically viable, supporting sustainable agricultural practices and rural development in Bangladesh.

Keywords: Solar-powered Agricultural Systems, Economic Viability, Demographic Determinants, Sustainable Agriculture, Adoption Factors

Pages: 532-536

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