International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 5, 2024
Legal Strength of Notarial Deeds Made Based on Fake Documents
Author(s): Riska Nur Ramadhani, Muazzin, Ria Fitri
Article 16 paragraph (1) Law Number 2 of 2014 amends Law No. 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notaries. In preparing a public deed, a Notary is obliged to pay attention to the principle of prudence. The notary makes a public deed based on the wishes of the parties and is supported by documents submitted by the parties to the Notary. However, in reality several cases were found where the parties submitted fake documents to the Notary as the basis for making a deed. The notary is not obliged to check the validity of the subject matter of the documents submitted to him. Therefore, this research explains the legal consequences of a notarial deed made based on a fake deed and the notary's obligations in relation to the deed.
Keywords: Legal Force, Notarial Deed, Fake Document
Pages: 465-471
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