International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 5, 2024
Assessment of the use of Caffeinated Products among Students in Madonna University, Nigeria
Author(s): Ighorodje Austine Esejuvwevbo, Okoronkwo Ngozi Augustine, Ojo Esther Iretioluwa, Monago Nwamaka Ifeoma, Egere Eustace Chijioke
This study explores the diverse patterns of caffeine consumption among Madonna University students, with emphasis on motivations, effects, and perceptions. It also investigates the potential influence of sociodemographic factors on caffeine consumption.
A cross-sectional survey was conducted among Madonna University students to collect data on caffeine consumption patterns, motivations, experiences, and sociodemographic characteristics. Chi-square tests were employed to assess the independence of sociodemographic factors from caffeine consumption.
The study found that students consumed caffeine for various reasons, including increased alertness, taste enjoyment, and social interactions. Side effects, such as nervousness and difficulty sleeping, were reported alongside positive effects like improved concentration. A significant proportion of students believed that caffeine negatively affected their physical and mental health. Sociodemographic factors, including gender, age, academic level, and faculty choice, were not significantly associated with caffeine consumption.
This study underscores the multifaceted nature of caffeine consumption among university students, emphasizing the need for comprehensive educational programs to promote responsible caffeine consumption and awareness of potential side effects. The findings also suggest that interventions to moderate caffeine use should be broad-based and target the entire student population, as sociodemographic factors do not significantly influence caffeine consumption. Acknowledging the limitations, this research contributes to our understanding of caffeine use among young adults and informs initiatives aimed at promoting balanced and mindful caffeine consumption in university settings.
Keywords: Caffeine Consumption, Madonna University Students, Academic Performance, Health Implications, Prevalence, Motivation
Pages: 363-365
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