E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 5, 2024

Evaluation of Metal and Mineral Contents of Leafs, Stems and Roots of C. Parviflorus Lam and C. Salviifolius L Plants Growing at Al Ghabal Al-Khder (Libya)

Author(s): Najat MA Ben Arous, Salma A Absis, Hamad M Adress Hasan, Naseer Ramadan Emaza


This study was carried out on leafs and stems and roots of C. Parviflorus Lam and C. Salviifolius plants, which growing at Al –Gabal Al –Akhder region, Libya. The contents of some metals of (Na, K, Ca, N, P, Fe, Cu and Ni) were estimated in the leafs, stems and roots of the studied plants. Also, the results indicated that, the studied samples containing high values of anti-oxidants and important values of metals and minerals as (Na, K and Ca). High contents of potassium were recorded in stems comparing with roots and leafs. Also, important concentrations of Nitrogen and Phosphorus were recorded un the studied plants.

Keywords: Metals, Minerals, Nitrogen, Phosphour C. Parviflorus Lam and C. Salviifolius L

Pages: 191-194

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