E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 5, 2024

Accumulation of Some Heavy Metals in Green Algae as Bio Indicators of Environmental Pollution at Al-Haniea region: Libya Coastline

Author(s): Hamad M Adress Hasan, Hussien S Soliman Mousa, Basit EE Mohammed


This study aimed to estimate metal pollution in the marine coastal line environment is an important topical issue in the context of ecological disturbance. The concentration of nine trace elements: Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, was determined in green alga Ulva lactuca (L.), which collected from several sites at three main area (Al Haneia region). The abundance of metal concentrations in algae samples was in the following order: Pb > Zn > Cd> Cu in the studied area. The variations at this order of abundance were according to the different in activities and metal sources in these different areas. The high uptake of metals in green alga Ulva lactuca suggested that this alga may be used as potential bio monitors for heavy metal pollution. The results recorded that their increase of metals contents in summer season comparing to Winter season.

Keywords: Heavy Metals, Algea, Al Haniea, Libya

Pages: 188-190

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