E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 5, 2024

Computer Simulation of Deformation characteristics of Hybrid Orthotropic Composite Sandwich Beams Under Bending and Axial Loading

Author(s): Umar Farooq, Peter Myler, Mamadou Ndiaye, Sadia Sattar, Faraht Imtiaz, Mamoona Siddique

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62225/2583049X.2024.4.5.3211


This study focuses on the deformation characteristics of hybrid orthotropic composite sandwich beams under axial and bending loading. The homogeneous cores of the hybrid orthotropic sandwich beams affect different parameters on structures. We followed by analytically determining effective material properties to study response of the hybrid sandwich beam under axial and bending loading. Ensuing, we programmed all steps and procedures of solution algorithm into commercially available MATLABTM 2020 code to simulate practical scenarios. Subsequently, we collected and processed data in tabular and graphical forms to facilitate analyses. We compared simulation generated results to the data results available in the literature and found to be within the acceptable range of (±6%) deviations. We observed that the hybrid structure beams had undergone less deformation that confirmed that the hybrid structure beams have comprehensive mechanical advantages as well as has high strength and specific energy absorption capabilities. Based on comparison of the results, the hybrid beams are more damage resistant and tolerant than beams made of the other type of materials. Since hybrid sandwich beams are relatively light, economical, and perform better under axial and bending deformations. Therefore, this study could also be extended to investigate performance of the orthotropic sandwich beam structures under multiple loading directions as well as proposes that the usage of the hybrid sandwich beam components will be useful in global structures.

Keywords: Hybrid Structures, Honeycomb Structures, High Shear Deformation Theory, Finite Elements Analysis, and Orthotropic Beam

Pages: 170-178

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