E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 5, 2024

To Access Malocclusion using Anterior Mesiodistal Width of Teeth using Different Methods: A Review Article

Author(s): Dr. Shashank Soni, Dr. Amitabh Kallury


The evaluation of study models is a fundamental procedure in orthodontics for diagnosing and planning treatment for malocclusion. This process involves assessing the upper and lower dental arches, focusing on arch length, arch form dimensions, and mesiodistal tooth sizes. Malocclusion is identified through discrepancies in tooth material within the maxillary or mandibular arches, which can indicate the need for orthodontic correction. Significant tooth size discrepancies are commonly observed in Class II Division 1 and Class III malocclusions. The advent of digital 3D scanning technology has revolutionized orthodontic analysis by facilitating more efficient and accurate measurements, thus potentially replacing plaster casts. This study aims to assess tooth sizes across malocclusion groups using digital models and 3Shape 3D measurement software.

Keywords: Malocclusion, Mesiodistal, Mandibular Teeth

Pages: 140-143

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